Interactions Between Sequencer and Committee

When the Arbitrum sequencer plans to transmit a batch of data through the Committee, it simultaneously sends the data and an expiration time to all Committee members using RPC. Each member then stores the data, authenticates the (hash, expiration time) duo with their BLS key, and communicates back the signature along with an indication of success to the sequencer.

After gathering the necessary number of signatures, the Sequencer compiles them into a legitimate Data Availability Certificate (DACert) corresponding to the (hash, expiration time) pair. This DACert is subsequently posted to the L1 inbox contract, ensuring its availability to the AnyTrust chain's L2 software.

Should the Sequencer fail to obtain an adequate number of signatures within a predetermined period, it defaults to a "rollup fallback" method, directly posting the complete data set to the L1 chain. The L2 software is equipped to recognize both methods of data submission (either via DACert or the entire data) and processes them accordingly.

Summarizing, AnyTrust marks a significant leap forward within the Offchain Labs ecosystem, offering innovative solutions to the pressing issues of data availability, security, and cost-efficiency in blockchain systems. By adopting a calculated trust model and a unique data posting strategy, AnyTrust lays the groundwork for blockchain solutions that are more scalable, accessible, and secure.

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