Ownchain Core Technology

OWNCHAIN is engineered atop the innovative Nitro framework, a cornerstone technology adapted from Arbitrum to form the bedrock of all chains within the OWNCHAIN ecosystem. Leveraging a modified version of Geth and utilizing WebAssembly for its core virtual machine (VM) functionalities, Nitro enables efficient and secure operations essential for the complex demands of blockchain gaming and NFT transactions.

OWNCHAIN Data Consensus

Central to the OWNCHAIN architecture is the Anytrust protocol, a unique system designed for managing data availability through a carefully selected group of entities, forming the Data Consensus Committee (DCC). This protocol optimizes transaction costs by incorporating a nuanced trust model for data handling, offering an alternative to the fully trustless system traditionally employed by Ethereum.


OWNCHAIN diversifies its ecosystem through two distinct layers inspired by Arbitrum's scalable solutions: The Essential Layer, mirroring the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of Arbitrum Nova through a trust-enhanced protocol; and the Sovereign Layer, echoing the trustless integrity of Arbitrum One, prioritizing security with a higher reliance on base-layer gas. Both are seamlessly integrated with the Nitro-powered foundation to ensure peak performance and reliability.


OWNCHAIN extends the flexibility found in Arbitrum Orbit, enabling the creation of independent Rollup and AnyTrust chains tailored to specific needs within the gaming and NFT sectors. Built on Nitro's solid foundation, these orbiting chains inherit the protocol's scalability, security, and efficiency, empowering developers to innovate without constraints.

OWNCHAIN Ecosystem and Support

Distinctively positioned within the blockchain space, OWNCHAIN utilizes the Anytrust model for heightened operational speed and minimized costs, specifically within gaming contexts. Supported directly by the Ownly team, OWNCHAIN benefits from unparalleled technical and strategic backing, distinguishing it from other platforms. This close relationship ensures rapid evolution and robust support for developers and users alike.

Under the stewardship of the Ownly Foundation, with Ownly providing comprehensive technical support, OWNCHAIN introduces specialized features such as an ecosystem-wide bridge for enhanced interoperability, increased limits for transactions and smart contracts to support ambitious gaming projects, and the proprietary OWN token. This strategic and technological framework positions OWNCHAIN as a leading solution for blockchain gaming and NFT endeavors, fostering a rich, interactive digital environment.

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